How to Be in the World and Not Of It

Greetings Lovely Faces! Greetings Lovely faces! GREE-TINGS LOVELY FACES! We are Exploring Common Themes, With your host, the Good Vibes Goddess! Yasss!

So today on Exploring Common Themes…

How to Be In The World and Not Of the World

In 2022 and it is so ridiculously easy to get swept up in all of the tidal waves of emotions from worldly and local events that rip thru Social Media platforms, the work place, barbershops, social gatherings and even while standing in line at your favorite coffee house.

The word on the street travels on the lips and tongues of many. Every utterance keeps the vibrations of the fear, gossip, scandal alive to exist in the ears and minds of the person it’s being told to and so on and so forth.

Getting caught up is the name of the game.

This is literal actual spiritual warfare.

Meaning, you will not know that anything is going on unless you are in tuned with your higher self /spirit.

Here’s How to be in the world and not of it


One thing for sure the Trump had right is, “FAKE NEWS.”

The more you watch the News more the matrix will look and feel like reality.

The News is a very instrumental with the PROGRAMING of the masses.

We all know the term, Monkey see/ Monkey do, right?

Did it ever occur to you that YOU just might be the monkey in this scenario?

Anything that comes across that damn TV is programming you! It tells you how to think, feel, what to believe, what to fear, what to trust and so much more.

By unplugging, you allow yourself to see the world with eyes that are free from propaganda.

Do The Opposite


People have thrown away their chances to ascend because they have chosen to be fearful..!

Trust your inner guidance more than anything, ALWAYS.

But, know this…

If the TV, MEDIA, NEW, or whatever is saying that you should do something for your own good, Do the Muthafk’n opposite!!!

If you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear then, you know that life is not valued in the 3rd dimensional reality.

The goal is to have to have you dead, afraid, and full of sorrow.

Whatever health officials say is good for you, do the opposite.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it… (in my Reading Rainbow Voice)

Learn Thyself

The more you know about yourself, the less any entity can sway you to believe otherwise!

Dive deep into yourself and explore all the possibilities that are YOU!

Know who you are and what makes you happy.

This will make it easier to focus on more of that which makes you feel alive rather than the doom and gloom that is being pushed on the world around you.

Incorporate Optimism

Know that there are no limits, only opportunities to be great!

Optimism can allow you to see the world full of possibilities.

If there is something that you desire to do, figure out “How” to bring it into reality. The door will stay open this way.

Surround yourself with people with beautiful spirits and expansive minds because positivity is contagious!

Do not “try“ to do anything!

Trying is for half efforts which will give you half result.

Be like Nike and JUST DO IT!

Embrace you Inner Creator

The world that is the Matrix has already been created. It has it’s systems in place. We the people follow blindly the ways of the world.

If you don’t like the world outside, make damn sure your internal world is everything you’ve ever wanted and more!

Embrace your inner creator!

This is how we change the world.

There are people who feel how you feel and see life similarly to you who are waiting for you to show up and shine your light so bright that they too will feel comfortable shining their lights and adding their gifts to the world.

What you do/ what you bring can and will add great splendor into a purposefully chaotic world.

Happy Ascension All!

Until next time!

We are…

Exploring Common Themes


  1. TheSunFlowerGoddess says:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Be mindful of what you consume with all of your senses Goddess! ✨💪🏾✨✨✨


  2. antony gomes says:

    This is awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The world is toxic AF! I do my best to keep society at an arms distance from my mental and emotional space!


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